quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

carnival 2009

I and Taci went to ant !
Daily on board !
February 20 : travel,we arrived at nigth
21 days : early in the morning packed up our. Luggage, the first nigth was good, but with the detail that i was in higth-heeled sandals, and not take it, then gave me pain in the feet. But it was fun enouggh, this was only the beginning ?
22 days: it was raining, but the first truce that gave the rain, we packed up and were jumping our carnival.
23 days: that day we found our soundtrack of carnival, lloraras por mí. find people you know, another nigth of total fun.
24: last nigth , much fun.
25 days: back home, now is just rest, I was homesick!

Taciane e Natsha .

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