quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009
Letter to Santa Claus
Dear Santa,
I'm Arthur,
I'm writing to tell about you my behavior this past year. I Have been a good boy a good boy, I don't fight in the school and my behavior in my house is very good.
This year I do not want presents, please give to my little brother, Jake. He is small and needs more toys than me! My parents will be very happy.
Thank you,
Names: Ana Maria, Daniel, Silvia, Pâmela e Jefferson
I'm Arthur,
I'm writing to tell about you my behavior this past year. I Have been a good boy a good boy, I don't fight in the school and my behavior in my house is very good.
This year I do not want presents, please give to my little brother, Jake. He is small and needs more toys than me! My parents will be very happy.
Thank you,
Names: Ana Maria, Daniel, Silvia, Pâmela e Jefferson
Pablo,Jessica e Patrik
Dear Santa;
my name is PJP,about our performance this year...
This year we behaved very well,
our year has been quiet and let's start with a new year full of expectations,2010 be a year very glorious and very prosperity to all
Happy Christmas!!!!
my name is PJP,about our performance this year...
This year we behaved very well,
our year has been quiet and let's start with a new year full of expectations,2010 be a year very glorious and very prosperity to all
Happy Christmas!!!!
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009
dear santa

Dear Santa,our names are Jennifer,Bruna and Franciele,about our behavier this year !
This year we behaved very well we have been fine exemplary.We foundthat our year has been quiet and let's start with a new year full of expectations for a wonderful year !
Then a Merry christimas ta all !
And don't forget my little gift.
names:Franciele,Bruna and Jennifer
This year we behaved very well we have been fine exemplary.We foundthat our year has been quiet and let's start with a new year full of expectations for a wonderful year !
Then a Merry christimas ta all !
And don't forget my little gift.
names:Franciele,Bruna and Jennifer
Jefferson Moreira / Vitor / Henrique / Luiz Augusto
O Thanksgivin é comemorado na quarta quinta feira de novembro, e teve inicio no ano de 1621 pelos peregrinos"Ingleses" . É considerado um dia de gratidão a Deus, pelas conquistas e bons acontecimentos do ano todo.
O Thanksgiving foi comemorado pela primeira vez em 1620 para agradecer as graças alcançadas durante aquele ano. Após isso o Thanksgiving tornou-se tradição por varias partes do mundo inclusive no Brasil.
Nomes:Mahara, Suélen e Marta
Nomes:Mahara, Suélen e Marta
segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009
Letters to Santa Claus!
sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009
• O Thanksgivin é comemorado na quarta quinta feira de novembro. É considerado um dia de gratidão a Deus, pelas conquistas e bons acontecimentos ocorridos durante o ano. É celebrado com festas e orações.
~ Letícia, Franciane, Franciele, Bruna ,Jennifer.
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
Xmas Time!!!

Hi, there!
It's Christmas Time!
Let's talk about it.
Do you know....how to say "Feliz Natal" in other languages?
It's Christmas Time!
Let's talk about it.
Do you know....how to say "Feliz Natal" in other languages?
Go To:
Let's not go there... http://recreionline.abril.com.br/especiais/natal / access on 06/11/2009. Sorry! We can't access this site anymore! It's out!)
Let's do a quiz.
1st - http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4460000/newsid_4465800/4465864.stm access on 18/09/09
quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009
natsha e taciane.
Thanksgiving no Brasil.
O embaixador do Brasil, Joaquim Nabuco, em Washington, formulou publicamente o voto: " Eu quisera que toda a humanidade se unisse, no mesmo dia, para um agradecimento universal a Deus." em 1909.
No Brasil, teve variações nas datas; mas foi decidido pela lei numero.5110, que no dia 22 de novembro de 1966 o Dia nacional de Ação de Graça.
O embaixador do Brasil, Joaquim Nabuco, em Washington, formulou publicamente o voto: " Eu quisera que toda a humanidade se unisse, no mesmo dia, para um agradecimento universal a Deus." em 1909.
No Brasil, teve variações nas datas; mas foi decidido pela lei numero.5110, que no dia 22 de novembro de 1966 o Dia nacional de Ação de Graça.
Diéssica e Yane
O dia de Ação de graças começou a ser comemorado em 1620.
Nele agradecemos as bençãos que recebemos,
e começamos as decorações de Natal.
Neste ano ele é comemorado no dia 26 de novembro.
Comemos peru e batatas!
O texto explica tudo sobre o dia de ação de graça como por exemplo: a primeira vez que foi comemorado foi em 1621, pelos peregrinos que vieram no barco mayflower.
É comemorado na última quinta de novembro pelos americanos e no segundo domingo de outubro pelos canadenses.
Nome: Silvia Bernady, Brenda Bugs, Daniel Adolfo, Pâmela Ludwig e Ana Maria
É comemorado na última quinta de novembro pelos americanos e no segundo domingo de outubro pelos canadenses.
Nome: Silvia Bernady, Brenda Bugs, Daniel Adolfo, Pâmela Ludwig e Ana Maria
Nataly, Brenda e Luana
O dia de ação de graças teve inicio no ano de 1621, pelos peregrinos (ingleses),
é comemorado em na quarta quinta de novembro(26 de novembro).É um dia que os ingleses dão
gratidão a Deus,pelas conquistas ocorridas durante o ano.
O dia de ação de graças teve inicio no ano de 1621, pelos peregrinos (ingleses),
é comemorado em na quarta quinta de novembro(26 de novembro).É um dia que os ingleses dão
gratidão a Deus,pelas conquistas ocorridas durante o ano.
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009
Thanksgiving activities

The year has turned its circle,
the seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
and chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
the fields, their yellow grain,
so open wide the doorway
Thanksgiving comes again!
(Old Rhyme)
Go to the link and read:
After do a quiz about he text.
Quer saber como começou no Brasil?
Let's complete a crossword about Thanksgiving day!
Go to -
- pasta do usuário/tania/thanks/
1. jcrossthanksgiving
2. jclozethanksgiving
3. jmatchthanksgiving
After, write a little text about Thanksgiving and post it. You can write it in Portuguese. OK?
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2009
Auto avaliação do grupo "Friends Of Murruga"
O grupo poderia ter sido mais unido, mas cada um fez a parte que lhe foi designada.
The Killers 1
O grupo:
O Grupo apesar do pouco tempo que teve para se organizar, realizou um trabalho bastante satisfatório. Particularmente o grupo foi o mais organizado pois, foi o único que se fantaseou nos dois dias da gincana. E apresentou todas as tarefas a se realizadas no tempo previsto.
A gincana:
A ideia da gincana foi bastante criativa, pois, tivemos a oportunidade de interagir mais com os colegas e descontair um pouco. O trabalho em grupo foi bastante positivo.
Integrantes do grupo: Pablo, Patrik, Luis Augusto, Bruna, Franciele, Franciane, Letícia, Mahara, Suélen, Marta e Jéssica.
O Grupo apesar do pouco tempo que teve para se organizar, realizou um trabalho bastante satisfatório. Particularmente o grupo foi o mais organizado pois, foi o único que se fantaseou nos dois dias da gincana. E apresentou todas as tarefas a se realizadas no tempo previsto.
A gincana:
A ideia da gincana foi bastante criativa, pois, tivemos a oportunidade de interagir mais com os colegas e descontair um pouco. O trabalho em grupo foi bastante positivo.
Integrantes do grupo: Pablo, Patrik, Luis Augusto, Bruna, Franciele, Franciane, Letícia, Mahara, Suélen, Marta e Jéssica.
O trabalho foi muito bom, aprendemos coisas novas mas também ficamos chateadas com a ausência de algumas colégas e a falta de companherismo, mas foi tudo muito bom e adoramos a experiência, ampliamos nossos conhecimentos foi muito gratificante!
Names: Diéssica, Jennifer, Yane, Luana,Nátaly ,Thauane e Larissa
Names: Diéssica, Jennifer, Yane, Luana,Nátaly ,Thauane e Larissa
Auto avaliação da gincana " The Killers"
O grupo apesar do pouco tempo que teve para se organizaar realizou um trabalho bastante satisfatório.Particularmente o grupo foi o mais organizado pois foi o unico que se fantasiou ou dois dias da gincana e apresentou todas as tarefas propostas.
integrantes do grupo: Pablo, Patrik, Luis Augusto, Bruna,
Franciele, Franciane, Jessica, Letícia, Mahara, Suélen, Marta.
integrantes do grupo: Pablo, Patrik, Luis Augusto, Bruna,
Franciele, Franciane, Jessica, Letícia, Mahara, Suélen, Marta.
quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2009
quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009
quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009
sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009
One travel unforgettable
I travel to Nova Palma with the group of football for one tourney in the which gain in first place.
We stayed two days in Nova Palma. There was the tourney female and masculine, in the first day was the tourney masculine in the saturday and the second day was the female in the sunday.
Don't was one day easy, but we enjoy the place enough.
Is very beautiful. In the saturday have feast of night, and in the sunday have only the games.
I very like of we have obtain the first place.
Is one travel unforgettable.
Name: Pâmela R. Ludwig
One travel unforgettable
I travel to Nova Palma with the group of football for one tourney in the which gain in first place.
We stayed two days in Nova Palma. There was the tourney female and masculine, in the first day was the tourney masculine in the saturday and the second day was the female in the sunday.
Don't was one day eazy, but we enjoy the place enough.
Is very bautiful. In the saturday have feast of night, and in the sunday have only the games.
I very like of we have obtain the first place.
Is one travel unforgettable.
Name: Pâmela R. Ludwig
quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009
We went to Chicago.
"We went to Chicago, USA is in a beautiful city. We stay one week to perfect our English. There, we met new people and made many friends. We stayed in the house of a family and receptive and that helped us to understand more clearly the English. We went into their routine quickly and when we realized, almost turned the family. Brought us great memories, especially for our mistakes ... but with them, learn the language better. It was great!"
Name: Silvia, Ana and Jefferson

One Day in Gramado
I am Jennifer and Thauane, we tell of a trip we made to the city of Gramado, went there at age 14, was tour of the days, hours, minuter and seconds, we tydy my mail 2 weeks before, all the fault of to know the city! The anxiety was so bad that I spent on the bus, but soon step, and was ready to see the, arriving there we walked around town know the chocolate factories, all very nice, I loved visiting the city when der go again!
Names: Thauane, Jennifer
Estadium of Grêmio
When I was 15 years old I went to the stadium of Grêmio.
I went to POA, I remember quite cleary was my arrival.Gave ice belly.Went for stadium, many peoples, more 50 thousand peoples.Bought the ingress, To went benth, I Take photos.
The play was perfect, the victor goalkeeper, to defend the penalty.I crazy remain.
The play terminate grêmio 3x1 corinthians, I happy remain.
I went to POA, I remember quite cleary was my arrival.Gave ice belly.Went for stadium, many peoples, more 50 thousand peoples.Bought the ingress, To went benth, I Take photos.
The play was perfect, the victor goalkeeper, to defend the penalty.I crazy remain.
The play terminate grêmio 3x1 corinthians, I happy remain.
carnival 2009
I and Taci went to ant !
Daily on board !
February 20 : travel,we arrived at nigth
21 days : early in the morning packed up our. Luggage, the first nigth was good, but with the detail that i was in higth-heeled sandals, and not take it, then gave me pain in the feet. But it was fun enouggh, this was only the beginning ?
22 days: it was raining, but the first truce that gave the rain, we packed up and were jumping our carnival.
23 days: that day we found our soundtrack of carnival, lloraras por mí. find people you know, another nigth of total fun.
24: last nigth , much fun.
25 days: back home, now is just rest, I was homesick!
Taciane e Natsha .
Daily on board !
February 20 : travel,we arrived at nigth
21 days : early in the morning packed up our. Luggage, the first nigth was good, but with the detail that i was in higth-heeled sandals, and not take it, then gave me pain in the feet. But it was fun enouggh, this was only the beginning ?
22 days: it was raining, but the first truce that gave the rain, we packed up and were jumping our carnival.
23 days: that day we found our soundtrack of carnival, lloraras por mí. find people you know, another nigth of total fun.
24: last nigth , much fun.
25 days: back home, now is just rest, I was homesick!
Taciane e Natsha .
Our Travel in Gramado

We were on the 7th grede and we did a travel of the Gramado. We went at 3 o'clock of the dawn.
In the bus agitate many,player letter and listen music. Arriving wool, went the factory of the chocolate,ate many candies,we were many good.
We walk for avery space, till at church,at shop,buy key-keeper,the city marvellous,we enjoy very of the go.
After of the walker,turn for the bus and came in spite of.
name: Nátaly and Diéssica
Class: 101
quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009
quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009
quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009
Who am I? - Ana "Dalit"
I am a student. I live in Santa Maria. It is a big city in RS. It is in Brazil, in South America.
I study in a small school. It's name is Tancredo Neves School. It is in a big district.
I live here with my family. we live at 1120, Paulo Lauda Street. It is a busy place.
I was born in Bagé, in 1993. More exactly on October 29, 1993, on a Friday, at 7:35 am.
I study in the afternoon. I stay there from 1:30 pm to 5:45 pm.
I study in a small school. It's name is Tancredo Neves School. It is in a big district.
I live here with my family. we live at 1120, Paulo Lauda Street. It is a busy place.
I was born in Bagé, in 1993. More exactly on October 29, 1993, on a Friday, at 7:35 am.
I study in the afternoon. I stay there from 1:30 pm to 5:45 pm.
Happy friends day!
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
(Albert Einstein)
From: Daniel The Mister Ni
To: Nataly
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