I like to learn English words by hearing them;
I enjoy talking to people in English;
I don't enjoy grammar rules;
I like to study alone, by myself;
I like it when the teacher gives us problems to work on;
I like the teacher to splain everything to us;
I want to write everything in my notebook;
I like to have my own textbook;
In class i like to learn by reading;
I like to learn words by seeing them;
I like to learn English by playing games;
I like to work in pairs;
I like to go out with my friends;
I practice English when i can;
I lik to work on computer, watch videos, listen, CDs, look at pictures.
By: Pâmela Ludwig
quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009
I like to learn

I like to learn English words by hearning them.
I like to study alone, by myself
I like it when the teacher gives us problems to work on-.
I like the teacher to explain everything to us.
In class I like to learn by reading.
I like to learn English by playing games.
I like to work in pairs.-
I like to go out with my friends.
I practice english when i can.
I like to work on computer, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures.
I like to learn English doing projects with my group.
Name: Mahara
- In class i like conversations
- I enjoy talking to people in inglish
- I like to learn english words by hearing them
- I like it when the teacher gives us problems to work on
- I like to bo out with my friends
- My favorite place do homework is the living room of my house
- I don't like to speak to other people
- I like the teacher to explain everything to us
- I like to work on computher, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures
- I like to work in pairs
- I like to learn english by playing games
Nome: Diéssica
- I enjoy talking to people in inglish
- I like to learn english words by hearing them
- I like it when the teacher gives us problems to work on
- I like to bo out with my friends
- My favorite place do homework is the living room of my house
- I don't like to speak to other people
- I like the teacher to explain everything to us
- I like to work on computher, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures
- I like to work in pairs
- I like to learn english by playing games
Nome: Diéssica
I like to learn

At home i enjoy to read magazines and newspapers in English, in my bedroom or in the bathroom!
In class i like conversations.
I like to have my own textbook.
I want to write everything in my notebook.
I dont'd enjoy grammar rules.
My favorite study place is at my friend's house in a group.
I like to go out with my friends.
I like to work in pairs.
I like to learn English words by hearing them.
I don't like to speak to other people.
I like the teacher to explain everything to us.
I like to learn English by playing games.
Name: Franciane
how I like to lear
I don't enjoy grammar rules;
I like to study alone,by myself;
I need my teacher to correctme;
I don't like to speak to other people;
I don't try to speak in English;
I like to learn English by playing games;
I like to work in pairs;
I like to go out with my friends;
I like to learn English words by hearing them;
I don't worry about mistakes;
I like to learn English doing projects with my group;
I like to have my own textbook;
I like the teacher to let me find my mistakes
Vitor Ferreira
I like to study alone,by myself;
I need my teacher to correctme;
I don't like to speak to other people;
I don't try to speak in English;
I like to learn English by playing games;
I like to work in pairs;
I like to go out with my friends;
I like to learn English words by hearing them;
I don't worry about mistakes;
I like to learn English doing projects with my group;
I like to have my own textbook;
I like the teacher to let me find my mistakes
Vitor Ferreira
How we like to learn

NAMES:Jennifer P. Verardo and Thauane L. Medeiros.
~' We like to work on computer,wach videos,listen to CDs,look at pictures ;
~' We like to learn English doing projects with our group;
~' We don't try to speak in English;
~' We like it when the teacher gives us problems to work on;
~' We like to go out with our friends;
~' We don't enjoy grammar rules;
~' We need our teacher to correct us;
~' We like to learn English words by hearing them;
how I like to learn

We like to learn English words by hearing them.
We like to go out with my friends.
We like the teacher to explain everything to us.
We like to work on computer, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures.
We like to work in pairs.
We like ti learn words by seeing them.
We like to learn English doing projets with my group.
We practice English when we can.
In class we like conversations.
We like to have my own textbook.
We need my teacher to corret me.
We want to write everything in my notebook.
Natsha, Luiz Henrique e Luiz Augusto.

I enjoy talking to people in english.
I don´t enjoy grammar rules.
I like the teather to let me fing my mistakes.
I don't like to speack to other people. at home i enjoy to read magazines and newspapers in english,en my bedroom or in the bathroom.
I like the teacher to explain everything to us.
I like to learn words by seeing them.
I like to work in pairs.
I like to go out with my friendes.
I like to work on computer watch videos,listen to cds, look at pictures.
I like to have my own textbook.
In class we like to learan by readyn.
I like to study grammar.
S2Patrik & PabloS2
How we like to learn !
We like to learn English words by hearing them. We like it when the teacher gives us problems to work on. We like to go out with our friends. Our favorite place do home work is the living room of our houses. In class we like to learn by reading. We like to work on computer, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures. We like to work in pairs. We like to learn English by playing games. We like to learn English doing projects with my group.
Names: Letícia, Franciele and Brenda Bugs.
Names: Letícia, Franciele and Brenda Bugs.
I like to learn
In class I like conversations.
I want to write everything in my notebook.
I enjoy talking to people in english.
My favorite study place is at my friends house in a group.
I like to go out with my friend.
I don't try to speak in english because i'm afraid to make mistake.
I like to work on computer, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures.
I like to work in pairs.
In class I like to learn by reading.
I don't like grammar
I don't like to speak to other people.
Name: Marta
I want to write everything in my notebook.
I enjoy talking to people in english.
My favorite study place is at my friends house in a group.
I like to go out with my friend.
I don't try to speak in english because i'm afraid to make mistake.
I like to work on computer, watch videos, listen to CDs, look at pictures.
I like to work in pairs.
In class I like to learn by reading.
I don't like grammar
I don't like to speak to other people.
Name: Marta

How we like to learn

We don't worry my mistakes.
We enjoy talking to people in English.
We enjoy talking to people in English.
We don't enjoy grammar rules.
We like to go out with my friends.
We like to work on computer, watch videos, listen to CDS, look at pictures.
We like to work in pairs.
We like learn english by playing games.
In class we like conversations.
Our favorite study place is at our friend's house.
We like to learn English words by hearing them.
We like to study alone.
sábado, 6 de junho de 2009
Dica da Líder!!!
chegando com mais uma "Dica da Líder":
A dica que eu darei é de humor!
Já ouviu falar em Dr. House, o seriado do médico ranzinza, meticuloso, sarcástico mas extremamente competente?
Pois então, a dica de hoje é sobre o intrérprete dele, o ator britânico Hugh Laurie.
Antes de fazer o médico mais louco da televisão americana, Laurie fez um programa de comédia, chamado " A Bit of Fry and Laurie", em parceria com Stephen Fry, onde eles apresentavam várias performances em cada capítulo.
Depois de fuçar por horas na internet, achando um vídeo digno de Grammy e Globo de Ouro, encontrei essa obra-prima.
Neste vídeo, Laurie canta "Hey, Jude", um clássico dos Beatles, porém, o uploader desse vídeo transformou a voz do "House", tornando-a aguda, parecendo um dos "Alvin e os Esquilos"
Ficou curioso? Então olha:
ok, eu admito, quando vi o vídeo, eu simplesmente chorei de rir...
espero que gostem...
chegando com mais uma "Dica da Líder":
A dica que eu darei é de humor!
Já ouviu falar em Dr. House, o seriado do médico ranzinza, meticuloso, sarcástico mas extremamente competente?
Pois então, a dica de hoje é sobre o intrérprete dele, o ator britânico Hugh Laurie.
Antes de fazer o médico mais louco da televisão americana, Laurie fez um programa de comédia, chamado " A Bit of Fry and Laurie", em parceria com Stephen Fry, onde eles apresentavam várias performances em cada capítulo.
Depois de fuçar por horas na internet, achando um vídeo digno de Grammy e Globo de Ouro, encontrei essa obra-prima.
Neste vídeo, Laurie canta "Hey, Jude", um clássico dos Beatles, porém, o uploader desse vídeo transformou a voz do "House", tornando-a aguda, parecendo um dos "Alvin e os Esquilos"
Ficou curioso? Então olha:
ok, eu admito, quando vi o vídeo, eu simplesmente chorei de rir...
quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009
Easter work
Na semana da Páscoa a turma esteve pesquisando sobre os costumes e símbolos pascais em vários países: Holanda, Alemanha, França, Itália, Austrália, Inglaterra e Suécia.
Após, eles narraram aos colegas como é a comemoração num dos países, anteriormente escolhido.
Como tarefa de encerramento, deveriam escrever um texto sobre os costumes das famílias e comunidades a que pertencem.
Abaixo, podemos ler as postagens realizadas pelos grupos, onde nos relatam como são as tradições brasileiras.
Após, eles narraram aos colegas como é a comemoração num dos países, anteriormente escolhido.
Como tarefa de encerramento, deveriam escrever um texto sobre os costumes das famílias e comunidades a que pertencem.
Abaixo, podemos ler as postagens realizadas pelos grupos, onde nos relatam como são as tradições brasileiras.
The easter is celebrated in Brazil in several ways.
In Brazil, the celebrations start on good Friday in this day we eat fish.
On Easter Sunday, we eat barbecue at noon, and children ran to leave their eggs on chocolate .
Some people go to church to praise for the arrival of Easter.
Names: Daniel, Silvia and Ana.

In many parts af Europe, huge bonfires are lighted on hilltops and in churchyards an easter eve.They are called judas fires,because effigies of judas frequently burned in them.the easter bonfires predate cristianity and were originally inted to celebrate the arrival of spring the burning effigy once symbolized winter.
Jessica,Pablo and Patrik
In many parts af Europe, huge bonfires are lighted on hilltops and in churchyards an easter eve.They are called judas fires,because effigies of judas frequently burned in them.the easter bonfires predate cristianity and were originally inted to celebrate the arrival of spring the burning effigy once symbolized winter.
Jessica,Pablo and Patrik

Name: suelen cezar lemos
Age: Fifteen
Favorite animal:dog end cat
favorite color:blak end blue
favorite drink:coca-cola
favorite meal:pizza
Perfume:bluerush INTENSE
Favorito movie:crepúsculo
Actor: Will Smith
what makes me smile: my friends and family
what makes me cry: not anyone

Long time before the party to be considered the resurrection of Christ, Easter heralded the end of winter and the arrival of spring. For many people the Easter holiday is a great party with much food, for others is a common day. To children Easter is a festival of sweets, It's the day that they expect the arrival of the rabbit.
Names: Pâmela, Letícia and Franciele.
The Easter in Brazil

Our celebration is as follow. On Good Friday we eat fish at dinner.
On Saturday the children adorn their basket hallelujah at night and their parents put their chocolates in it.
Easter Sunday is usually the family gather to eat barbacue, and children taste their desserts.
Names: Suélen, Marta and Mahara.
The EASTER in Brazil
The Easter is celebrated in Brazil for a traditional way. But the traditions that we are rating fish from the Saturday of Easter, spoon macela early in the morning and eat chocolate. We fun very most common is the children assemble their own nests for Easter, are of wicker, wood or cardboard, and fill them with atraw or shredded paper. The nests are left to put the rabbit sweets and eggs in the early hours of Easter. The "hunt the egg" or "hunting the basket" is also used.
It is also celebrated several masses because it is not only fun to celebrate the ressurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is also celebrated several masses because it is not only fun to celebrate the ressurrection of Jesus Christ.
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009

Name: Letícia Vianna do Nascimento
Birth: 07-07-1994
Height: 175 cm
are you Right or left: Right
Favorite animal: cats
Favorite color: red and Black
Favorite drink: Coca-Cola
Favorite meal: pizza
Hobbies: To hear music, to dance.
Favorite actor: Jensen Ackles
movie: Casa de Cera.
quality: sincere and friend
smile: my boyfriend.. ;9

Nome:pablo m. souza
Favorite animal:
Favorite color: blue
Favorite drink: choco loco
Favorite meal: pizza
Hobies soccer player,sleep
Habit: listenig music
Favorite actor/actress:jim care
Favorite movie: wanted
Favorite authors: machado de assis
Main quality: good player soccer
What makes kme smile: my friends
Fears: not anyone
Former player I admire: my life
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